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Comfort Goals: Soft Floor Carpet Tiles Show Insulation Benefits In Home Office

Carpet Tiles 50cm EVA Foam Interlocking Flooring | Soft Floor UK

With people’s work habits changing, there has been a significant rise in home office conversions as more people seek to work from home or operate flexible working hours. Soft floor carpet tiles are the perfect solution for permanence and temporary office spaces, providing comfort and insulation at an affordable price.

With an increasing number of home owners converting rooms into a home office, one of the hardest decisions can be which type of floor to put down. The base floor can often be the limiting factor and these usually exist in concrete or suspended timber form.

“Create a professional home office floor area in minutes!”

In out buildings, such as converted sheds and dedicated garden offices, the insulation properties of a floor is a key concern. The justification for expensive traditional carpets and vinyl floors is hard to maintain, especially when there are cheaper and more effective flooring solutions out there for office floors. Solid concrete leaves few options and present a tricky insulation problem, whereas suspended floors are more accommodating and naturally warmer.

Interlocking carpet tiles by Soft Floor UK provide the perfect solution for home and commercial office floors. Easy to install, with minimal preparation, the EVA foam backed carpet tiles have a heavy-duty synthetic loop pile finish with a high-quality EVA foam base. The strong interlocks keep the times in place and create a seamless join and the impression of a continuous professional floor area.

Light office furniture is no problem and the carpet tiles cope well with chairs and tables. The tiles can be stuck down with fixing tape or a standard adhesive but we recommend loose-laying, which makes it super-easy to replace damaged of stained tiles without having to lift the whole floor!

Check out the range of interlocking EVA foam-backed office carpet tiles accessories from Soft Floor UK at or call 01206 390570 to speak to a sales advisor who will make sure you get the right mat for your needs.

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