Video is king! At least that’s what the various social media platforms are pushing. Video content creation has never been more popular, as users seek fame through recording anything from the latest viral challenge, to what they had for breakfast. Joking aside, content creators from amateur film makers to entertainment studios are demanding every quicker solutions for filming setup with sets and props becoming ever more sophisticated.
One of the key considerations when creating a film studio set for presenting is chroma green screen technology. A long-standing feature in film studios, chroma green screen technology has come a long way with studios and presenters now able to mimic desirable locations and impressive set design through clever computer imaging.
For the amateur film maker or social influencer, chroma green screen back drops are commonplace and can be sourced for little investment. However, for an all-round green screen experience, the floor area also needs to be considered. Chroma green screen fabrics are not easy to arrange and fix when laid out on the floor. This can create shadows on set and dark image areas on film, spoiling the professional image.

Soft Floor UK are the leading producer of chroma green flooring, with their interlocking EVA foam tiles proving popular with film studios and museums across the world. The benefits of the chroma green floor tiles are numerous. Most importantly, they manufactured to global chroma green standards. They are super-easy to install on set, clean and store if needed. Chroma green EVA floor tiles do not crease or produce shadows on screen and blend seamlessly into a chroma backdrop. Finally, they provide a comfortable cushion underfoot that many cold hard studios can not match.
With that in mind, it’s no wonder Soft floor UK chroma green floor mats are the best-selling alternative for chroma green fabric or rugs. Check out the range of interlocking EVA chroma green floor mats from Soft Floor UK at or call 01206 390570 to speak to a sales advisor who will make sure you get the right mat for your needs.