Photo Competition | Soft Floor UK
Photo Competition | Soft Floor UK


Complete the form below and upload your floor pics to enter!

Photo Competition | Soft Floor UK

Here are the terms and conditions covering photos submitted for the SOFTFLOOR photography competition.

A picture is considered submitted for the competition if it is uploaded via the entry form on our website.

By submitting pictures, you confirm that you took the image(s) yourself and that you own all the copyright and other rights connected with the photograph(s) and that there will be no fees attached to SOFTFLOOR using the pictures in any way.

General terms and conditions can be read in full here:

The competition is open to amateur photographers only. You are not excluded from entering the competition if you have previously won photography competitions, had your photography published, or even earned money from the sale of photos. However, professional photographers are precluded from entering.

You can submit pictures that have been entered for another photography competition or competitions, as long as doing so doesn’t contravene the terms and conditions of the other competition or competitions.

The decision of the judges as to the selection of the winning photos and any commended entries is final, and no correspondence will be entered into about this.

Winners will be notified by email and provided with an online voucher worth up to the value of £100.

SOFTFLOOR and its affiliated companies and businesses may use and reproduce any of the submitted pictures once or more on the website, or in any other medium or format – both in connection with our Photo Competition and in any other context.

Customer anonymity will be preserved (name, email, location etc.) at all times.

People submitting photographs to SOFTFLOOR retain the right to use those photographs again themselves for personal and/or commercial purposes.

SOFTFLOOR will not necessarily keep copies of all pictures submitted to the competition, so entrants should keep a copy of any pictures they submit themselves.

SOFTFLOOR is not responsible for any loss or damage to any photograph that may occur as a result of them being entered for the competition.

SOFTFLOOR shall not be held responsible for technical errors in telecommunication networks, internet access or otherwise, preventing entry to the competition.

Entry is at the photographer’s cost.

Employees of SOFTFLOOR including their families and direct affiliates such as freelancers and contractors, are not eligible for entry.

This is a continuous competition with no closing date.

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Your Details

E.g. SFL-2406121200-XXXXX (online) or 43521 (invoice)

Your Photos

Add up to 5 good sized pictures (portrait or landscape) in jpg/jpeg format (maximum file size 10mb).

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Competition Rules
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