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Soft Floor UK Goes Down A Treat At Doodley Dogs

Doodley Dogs founders Jane and Amy Hatcher, approached Soft Floor UK, looking for a suitable floor to cover their ever increasing dog agility and day care venues. They needed something soft, easy to maintain and colourful to fit in their themed environments. Easy! – We recommended our Classic 50 interlocking EVA foam mat. Probably the most versatile mat in the Soft Floor UK range!

Thrilled with the quality of the samples, Doodley Dogs proceeded with the order and install, with Jane Hatcher saying:

“After running a busy dog creche for 18 months we decided it was time to franchise. An important part of helping franchisees to get started is to provide a list of best possible products for them to kit out their own centres. Seeing around 200 dogs a week we knew the right floor was essential. The Classic EVA Mat by Soft Floor UK ticked all the boxes AND came in a range of colours!”

The team at Doodley Dogs couldn’t be happier with the Classic50 mats, which are non-porous and easy to clean or replace if a single tile is damaged by an over-enthusiastic canine! Amy Hatcher added:

“We have used the tiles at 2 of our centres and wouldn’t use any other product now.”

So there you have it, our Classic50 EVA Mat showing once again why it is the complete all-rounder when it comes to multi-purpose interlocking flooring!

The Classic50 is our flagship mat and often has selected colours on sale!

Doodley Dogs is a new dog training franchise, located in West Sussex. They have a team of experienced doggy professionals, from Display Team Trainers to team members with Breeding and Showing experience. They are always on hand to offer advice or to show the centre’s facilities.


> Doodley Dogs Website

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