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Soft Floor UK Rescue Flamingo Chicks Dance Group

What have soft floor puzzle mats got to do with flamingos I hear you ask? Well let us explain. Flamingo Chicks is Bristol’s first inclusive dance class where children of all ages and abilities can spread their wings. It gives disabled children or those with special needs the opportunity to explore movement and have fun alongside their able-bodied friends.

So when Flamingo Chicks asked for our help, we were more than happy to spread our own wings and show our support. The dance class were looking for a flooring solution to cover the hard parquet floor where they meet.

Flamingo Chicks Founder Katie Sparkes said:

“Our children may be undergoing treatment for cancer, have Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy or Autism, they may be visually or hearing impaired, or may have other complex needs. Some are not able to walk and often get around by bunny hoping, rolling or crawling. Therefore it was really important to find some flooring to protect our little ones.”

Step forward the Classic EVA jigsaw mat by Softfloor UK. Our flagship floormat is 50cm by 50cm and 14mm thick and provides excellent cushioned support and fall protection for hard floors. They can be laid quickly and stored easily, plus it’s strong interlocking design improves slip-resistance. Softfloor despatched a total of 48 mats to cover 12 square metres, complete with straight edge strips for a smart finish. Which colour? Pink of course!

Katie added:

“The mats are AMAZING! And so perfect for our needs, we are absolutely thrilled. Thank you Softfloor UK!”

Classic EVA puzzle mats are available directly from the Softfloor UK website: or by calling 01206 390 570.


> Flamingo Chicks Dance Class in Bristol
> Classic 50cm foam play mats by Soft Floor UK